Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Difference between Density and -Personal- Frequency

As an addition to the previous post I would like to clarify that existance cannot All be explained through the use of the 3D, 4D, 5D model of Consciousness.

It is true that our Consciousness determines which reality we are experiencing... but it does not Define Who We Are.

I explained my view partially with this with one of my first posts, which explained the Bovis Reading numbers which are arrived at by the use of muscle-testing. At that time I believed This aspect was really what Density/Dimensionality really meant, although I was mistaken it is still a separate scale for assessing where one's Personal Vibration is.
And just as well, the mastery over the issues surrounding each Chakra in the energetic body can be a very accurate measurement of where that being's Personal Vibration is.
The Law Of One materials do cover this in a limited respect and explain that the main folly of those in the Dark is the lack of the Heart Energy which allows Compassion to take hold, but it tries to tie this into the notion of the Complexity Of Consciousness and the two really just cannot be mixed.

This axis of vibrational frequency is about how much Light we can hold in our Non Physical Soul aspect. This is why you can have someone who is in 3D Consciousness but who is very exceptional in the amount of Light and Love that they carry.

Since it would seem this understanding is unprecidented I would think a new system should be made up explaining it, but I guess we arent quite there yet. I always considered THIS aspect of our being to be more important than our Density of Consciousness because whether we are in 3D, 4D, or 5D can be changed as a matter of choice on the part of our spirit.

However our Personal Vibration is not something that can be so easily changed... because it is literally a product of all of our experiences as a Soul Being in our various incarnations. It comes about through trial and error, by making mistakes and learning better of them, and by consciously choosing to Evolve rather than Languish.

And the reason this is so important and ties into the Density Consciousness equation is because the density of your Consciousness may well determine what kind of reality you are capable of living in... but your Personal Vibration will determine what KIND of reality you end up Creating. And I think that is FAR more important than the ability necessarily to create whichever reality in the first place.

Addendum - Beyond 5D
Since I explained what 3D, 4D, and 5D actually represent in my previous post I think I should go further and explain what I have come to understand about the Rest of them.

1D is the only vehicle for Existing without Awareness (rock-like consciousness)
2D is the perfect vehicle for Existing Without Judgement (animal-like consciousness).
3D is the perfect vehicle for Learning (little ability to change things, just be put through the gauntlet).
4D is the perfect vehicle for Experiencing (as you can choose to change things according to specificiation).
5D is the perfect vehicle for Creating (since you can choose to change things at will).

Bearing these things in mind 5D can take you all the way up to being a Godlike Creator of planets, solar systems, even your own personal dimensions and universes. However there is a limitation even then because while you are Creating those things you are still a Specifically Defined being, with a vantagepoint seemingly Outside of that which you have created.

At such extreme heights of advancement it becomes readily apparent that although you can Create as much as you like without limits... in order to FULLY EXPERIENCE that which you have created you must BECOME that which you have created.

This is what 6D is about.
In 6D you are no longer simply a creator, fashioning things, events, and realities as you choose... but you have actually Become those things. You no longer have a specifically defined form, a body, a certain vantage point. You have BECOME the universe which you created, that which you have created is literally your flesh and blood.

Likewise a Dark Being (keep in mind Vibration is separate from Density of Consciousness)... might become some kind of Idea or Principal rather than a created set of worlds. A being could become LUST ITSELF. Or could become DESTRUCTION IN MOTION.

This is where we get into some of the older concepts of what Gods and Goddesses were about.

7D is the next, and final step, because in becoming 7D you transition from having Become what you have created to BECOMING EVERYTHING THAT IS. That's right... the only being that is 7D in consciousness as we know it is God Almighty (or Source). Eventually even at such extraordinary heights it is not enough to keep creating more and more universes or embodying more and more concepts... eventually you must choose to take the next step and Become Everything.

And this is what the Higher Self truly is... it is us at the end of the journey, just before we take that final step of Becoming Everything. You could say the Higher Self is 6.9D... or 6.9999D... which is in itself a sort of stopping point where one can hover in their development.

What is this 5D thing anyway?

Ive been hearing more and more about the jump between 3D and 5D here at the end of the year, and I didnt quite know what it meant myself. But after doing abit of digging and putting the pieces together now I know what it really means. Alot of people attribute different things to the 5D issue when in fact it really is quite simple, and there is more than meets the eye to existance than just where your Mind is with all of this. In explaining this I should say I have looked into the Law Of One materials and while quite accurate in many respects (especially the topic of the nature of Darkness)... I really feel that it missed the mark by lumping in Behavioral expectations with the Density issue.

Note:  This has absolutely NOTHING to do with Dimensions whatsoever. The "D" refers to Density... the density of consciousness... not dimensions. If you'd like to have some clarification about dimensions read some of my later posts, though the confusion surrounding that topic as well may inspire me to explain which things are in operation (at which time you may decide for yourself what the word "dimension" really means).

Complexity Of Consciousness
First and foremost the 3D, 4D, 5D description is a measure of the Complexity of a being's Consciousness. The number indicating how many prime characteristics their Conscious Mind has to it. Keep in mind that the Consciousness of any being is Non-Physical in nature and thus does not depend on whether they have a body or not (so a 3D person who dies may very well remain 3D).

More or less I see the density of Consciousness as a Choice, and a simple choice at that. It is not a value judgement, each level of consciousness has its own advantages and disadvantages. The lower the complexity the less Freedom is available, but because of the need for Limitation to be able to have certain experiences sometimes that is preferable.

So what does it mean?
Lets start with 3D - in 3D consciousness you have 3 main themes which both limit and guide the conscious along:
1 ♦ Duality (good verses evil)
2 ♦ Linear Time (past to future)
3 ♦ Rational Mind (verses Subconscious mind)
Though... ultimately this still all boils down to DUALITY because each one of these issues is a choice between 2 things - good verses evil, past to future, rational verses subconscious.

Since the spiritual aspect of existence is almost completely stripped out of the 3D equation, and the restrictions on the movement/creation of any given being are limited more or less to them being put down a certain track of experience. In fact depending on the level at which the Rational Mind and Linear Time are expressed, the entire lifetime of a person could boil down to only a few key decisions, the rest being almost like watching a movie and being just as predictable.

The magical 4D beastie
I haven't heard much about the 4D reality because for some reason it keeps getting skipped over. But I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt WE ARE IN 4D RIGHT NOW. And have been for several years now.

Some sources have said that 4D is a non physical place, another (tolec) says we wont reach it until 2014. Both of them are wrong, and so is that model of thinking in the first place (I covered that part in my previous posts).

Put simply 4D is and looks like 3D except without as many restrictions. This is because it is all simply boiled down to Choice rather than being "stuck" with "certain options" (ie, like having made the choice already and now trying to understand why you made the hoice - in 4D you can Change your Choice).
In 4D there are 4 themes which both limit and guide the consciousness along:
1 ♦ Now-Moment (past, present, future, it all exists simultaneously)
2 ♦ Choice (we choose which reality we will experience, from the now-moment)
3 ♦ Paradox (you can change the past, yet not be affected by it)
4 ♦ Vibrational Resonance (there is no black and white, its all shades of gray)
When 4D reality is considered, a secret of the makeup of the entirety of all creation is revealed. It is like the buddhist koan of the Sail blowing in the Breeze, which I explained in an older post of my blog. In 4D it becomes apparent that we live in a see of endless possibilities and every moment of our existence is a movement from one possibility to the next.

More simply put 4D is seeing the way things really are without the limitation of the Duality glasses that you are forced to wear in 3D. The main reasons why this is different than 3D is because in 4D the control is back in your hands to be able to Choose whatever reality you want, whereas in 3D you Accept what is externally present.

However I have learned from experience that in 3D and in 4D there is a Group or Herd Mentality, as we are stuck traveling with a group of other beings (mass consciousness) which drag us with them.

In 3D the focus on Duality and the Rational Mind to the exclusion of the spiritual aspect takes away your power to be able to do anything about that at all - you can only make choices for your own individual life path, inside of the Environment that you find yourself in. And the choices you make for yourself may or may not affect the big picture in a meaningful way.
(for those of you who understand the issue of the Illuminati, they know about the manifesting potential of the mass consciousness as well, which is one of the reasons they use brainwashing and mass media manipulation to spread fear and certain agendas - because they know with 5 to 7 billion people believing in it that is a Mass Meditation taking place every single day. Even though each individual in 3D does not contribute much to changing the big picture, it adds up).

However in 4D you have the power back in your grasp, though you are still living in that Herd of other beings (mass consciousness) and whatever Choices you make will be merged with the overall whole of the choices everyone else is making.

This gets right back to a Law Of Attraction issue - what you focus on is magnified - so the #Amount of Energy that is being produced towards a certain goal will determine how big and fast the change is. That is to say in 4D you CAN CHANGE the rest of the world, all by yourself, but you are limited by how much Strength you put forth (metaphysically speaking), so it is like a tug of war.

If you cannot overcome the current of focus that others are putting forth, whether they know it or not, then that is a change that you cannot produce. Though when it comes to changing the world with the power of your thoughts and intentions alone you ARE invariably Much Stronger than any individual person is (in terms of powers of 10 actually... depending on the strength of your beliefs and clarity of focus you could be thousands or perhaps millions of times stronger).

I would explain what the Now-Moment means, and there being all possibilities simultaneously existing at one time, but ive already done this on a previous post and it is covered somewhat in the What The Bleep Do We Know program (about Quantum Physics).

5th Density... the Golden Ticket (or rather, "where we're going, we wont need roads")
My understanding of exactly what 5D is was stumbled on indirectly by putting the pieces together, between the Remote Viewing experiments that have been conducted in the past, and information from certain places that explain what it means to be in 5D. Specifically This Article (LINK) from Jim Self, which explained the underpinning of 3D and 4D as well.

It has been clear that remote viewers could not see past the Dec 21st 2012 date. And with the exception of a few in the new age community it is well regarded that we are launched into 5D on that date as well. Both of these things I strongly believe and resonate with.

All of the other materials I have found explaining 5D simply explain the final results of the transition, the fluffy-bunny heaven-on-earth explanations of world peace and so on. That's all fine and well except that it doesn't explain what it actually Means to be in 5D. The core principals governing what 5D actually represents, and it has been like pulling teeth to figure it out

I could go over the 5 bullet points that Jim Self explained but lets save the trouble by simply saying that they are more or less still an explaination of the final results of 5D... and more specifically for someone who's Soul aspect has evolved to a high enough extent to emobdy those fabulous qualities.

What 5D really is...
The condition of being in 5D Consciousness is inherently a PERSONAL REALITY. Because the very definition of it means rather than being Able to Choose like you do in 4D... you inherently Are Choosing in every single moment.

This produces the effect of Instant Manifestation, another well known strength of the 5D reality, because you are constantly switching between one reality and a next according to your Focus and Beliefs. And it is the reason why the Instant Manifestation is available in 5D.
(For those of you who will understand the following example, it reminds me of when people are using the TOR Browser for enhanced browsing security, every time a website looks at the person's IP address its something different, because its always changing)

Obviously, if you are constantly switching between realities because it is now your Nature, rather than simply a Choice you can engage... you have become a Free Agent of existence and can choose wherever (or *Whenever) you want to navigate to without anyone else holding you back.

Because of the Holographic Reality principal each being also simultaneously exists in a vast myriad of possible paths, so you would in a way be "carrying" some piece of them with you, or choosing to experience a different version of that person.

Because of this... in 5D you are no longer stuck in the Herd... you are outside of the Mass Consciousness and thus you can not just change your Own Life however you see fit, you can change your Entire World (*universe) as you see fit too. Because really it is your own self that is changing - you are on the outside looking in, rather than on the inside trying to change the outside.

...if this sounds like a peculiar Spoon Quote from the movie The Matrix I doubt there is any coincidence with that.

Why this means Remote Viewing doesn't work past 2012...
Naturally if we are ALL moving into a 5th Density field of consciousness on December 21st 2012 then that means that reality is serves on an Individual Basis rather than for an entire group of beings (mass consciousness). Right now even though we are in 4D at this very moment we are still experiencing a shared reality, which means this reality may be more changeable but it still has 7 Billion plus humans in it, plus others - it has a direction it goes in that can be predicted, though as we get closer to the end of 2012 it becomes less predictable.

But when we all hit 5D there will be no mass consciousness anymore, as every single being in it will be released into their own Personal Reality by moving on up into 5D. So for the remote viewer who wishes to see where the Mass Consciousness is headed the Universe is given a trick question, so there is a Wall of sorts that cannot be seen beyond.

A Boxful of Prophecies
Of course not all of the remote viewers just leave it at that. Some of them still want to know what the future is like, just because they themselves want to know if for no other reason. So then we get into that Trick Question - the Universe is asked where is this path leading - and it tosses the question back to the seer "where are You headed?"

Because of this we have a myriad of different predictions about what happens after 2012. Some people say the Illuminati wins. Some people say an AntiChrist comes. Others see that nothing will happen at all. Another widely held idea is that its the midpoint of a number of years of change. The more classic notion is that we all become Ascended Masters and disappear into light.

Clearly, because we will all be in Individual Realities all of these prophecies are TRUE, all at the same time even though they contradict each other. Thats because the Seer is only seeing the Future that They will be likely to experience based on their Vibrational Frequency and their Beliefs.

Heaven On Earth... or Armageddon... the danger of 5D
Here is where the concept of 5D does not look so fluffy-bunny after all. If we were to consider that everyone would be wise, full of light, and in control of their thoughts then yes the elevation into 5D will very likely produce a Heaven On Earth scenario. It just happens to be that the messages about what 5D means are often given to those who are probably at that state of mind already or will likely be there by that time.

However what about those Billions of people out there who Are Not awakened to any of this at all, never heard of these sorts of ideas, much less have integrated their understanding?

5D Consciousness is a Tool, it is neutral, it delivers to a being exactly what they put into it. So if you come into it with less than savory beliefs and think that the world is headed to hell in a handbasket, not only are you going to Produce those changes in your Own Life (as it is certainly possible to do in 3D) you are also going to produce them in your External Environment too.

To the uninitiated, even a single "fear porn" news report could kick off a downward spiral that not only brings the darkness and destruction into their own personal life, but before their very eyes they would see the rest of the world go downhill fast too. And one thing would just lead to another because their Vibrational Frequency would just keep getting lower and lower because they were Accepting what their external reality was bringing to them.

Lets take an example...
* Suppose a news report comes out saying Flesh Eating Bacteria was found on lettuce.
* The person has lettuce in their fridge and they have already eaten some without knowin...
* But they choose to believe Their Lettuce has the Bacteria on it and they are Infected with it.
* Suddenly... they will contract Flesh Eating Bacteria and will have to go to the hospital.
* Where their experience with that whole issue will rienforce that there is an Epidemic of this taking place out in the world. That person may Die from it (lose their physical body vehicle) or at the very least have created a much Darker external reality. Which... because of Vibrational Frequency will likely introduce additional world-ending scenarios for that Person (should they remain alive) so long as that person continues to blindly accept what their Reality delivers to them.

Whereas other people, since each person is in their own reality at this point, will not have that experience at all. There was no flesh eating bacteria on the lettuce. There was no epidemic. The people who would have died from all those scenarios never did, and are all each themselves in their own reality.

Which means that any Prophecies about how things might play out beyond 2012 actually become more like Suggestions that we may or may not adopt. They are not definitive in any way, shape, or form, but because of Vibrational Frequency and Beliefs I do think that each of us will still be skewed towards subscribing to whichever Predictions about the future fit our beliefs right now.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Simple Dimensionality Model

This is a stunningly clever model I devised for explaining how the 1-12 dimensions are actually connected to each other. I also find it surprising that when this image appeared in my head, it is also representative of a 12 pointed star.

More or less, it means none of these dimensions are higher than the others, and they are all interconnected. It is only the ones which are relatively close to another that seem to have some interaction with each other.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dimensional Diagrams

To answer the question of what 3D, 4D, and 5D are and where they exist in the grand scheme of things.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Making Life *Easier*

Note:  This technique applies here because the Ability to manifest things is also something we have control over. So if you're having trouble doing these kinds of changes... you can even change the Difficulty you have when it comes to Doing these things too... and that will make it easier for you to get more results this way.

You can use this technique for Any aspect of your life, not just your overall life difficulty, but changing That would be very important too since that one would seem to precede anything else you might try to do (trying to make your life easier by doing certain things, for example, would be pre-empted by the difficulty you choose to bring into your life - both cannot exist at the same time, so one of them will trump the other)


A problem I recently realized I had, that could have been holding me back from many of the important things I am creating is that my Life could have been set on a kind of high "Difficulty" level.

Since I like playing games alot that is a good analogy, like the difficulty settings on a game, our Lives too are also set to have a certain amount of difficulty. Supposedly... the idea is that by things
being difficult, the lessons we learn will be engrained within us and we will learn them successfully as a soul.

God still takes care of us, but depending on how we're playing this "game" of life determines how many obstacles we'll have to face, and how quickly we will get the things we want and need in life - as we ask for them... or at the last possible second.

The problem is, in the New Energies life isnt supposed to be hard, its supposed to be easy. Truth is easy. Life Lessons are supposed to be learned through love, acceptance, and peace. Manifesting itself comes through Allowing rather than Forcing.

And in alot of ways living a "Hard" life is not only something that should be obsolete by now, its
also counterproductive to the things we want to do in life and the service we can give to everyone else and the world.

This idea has worked for a few other people ive shared it with, so im posting it here for your viewing pleasure.

Figure out where the "Difficulty" is set for your life, if you're having problems right now and your most important dreams are still lagging behind even though "smaller" things might be manifesting left and right.

Your biggest desires are no different than the colorful butterfly that flies past, which you were thinking about only minutes before. Manifesting is Easy and the universe doesn't see a difference between a penny on the street and a wad of $50's. The only difference is how it gets to you, and its just as easy either way.

A mental exercise introduced by a friend (Tolemac) is a good place to start - set the intention that you're tracking down how Hard your life is, on a scale of 1 to 100. Close your eyes, and start counting from 1 in your mind - visualize the numbers if you want - to 2, 3, 4, and so on. When you start facing resistance to count higher, you have probably arrived at the difficulty setting for your life.

It will almost always be somewhere inbetween, since a 95-100 would be the most difficult and impossibly challenging life we could conjure for ourselves, and a 1-5 would be the easiest, peaceful and least challenging life we could have.

Remember its not necessarily the problems you have, but how well you are able to handle them, and what context your life takes on (what is important to you) that determines how hard it is. For example the Military might seem like a very hard job and challenging lifestyle, but some people live for it. And some people in the most richest and affluent lifestyles are sometimes quite miserable. Some people have everything in order... except the things they care about the most, like a child, or a lover.

Then, once you figure out where you are on that scale... choose a new number, a better number, one that will serve you for the dreams, desires, and the life you really want to live.

That doesn't mean we should just foolishly set it all the way down to 1... life might get too simple or sweet for you to be interesting. Or it might not work Because its such a big contrast.

But say... something in the 10's, 20's, or maybe the 30's so that way everything gets easy enough to handle yet balanced enough that it still seems believable. So that way Life isn't without its smaller challenges, you Get what you Want, and you face no serious or insurmountable problems. In other words its still has its episodes, but you really do feel like you're in complete control, and the power is in Your hands.

Its the Goldilocks syndrome... not too much... but not too little... just right.

Making changes like this will set in motion a whole slew of other changes, and some obstacles you thought were impossible to remove before will suddenly start dissolving (even diseases and physical conditions probably). Because if your life is Easier... then obviously the things that make it Hard can't stick around. It even works retroactively, and things you thought were impossible to overcome or recover from might just disappear.

It might not happen overnight, but over the course of a few weeks you will see changes and notice a shift.

If you're having trouble changing that number, imagine you have a knob or dial and you're turning it down, and there's a way to pin it down where you set it. And if its hard to turn in your mind... imagine having something to help you like a wrench, to make it easier to turn.

Here are some good images to work with in your mind for a Knob or Dial or Adjustor so you can visualize yourself turning it down.

And for some High Amperage... these might be good for Increasing the flow of some things into your life.

I really like that Red knob that says Gain... that one could represent Money... or Breast size... or Love... or anything else that flows into your life... and in a separate exercise you could be turning that one UP to symbolize yourself Gaining more of it. In that case turning it up wouldnt have to do with difficulty at all, but Flow, so a higher number would be better.