You can use this technique for Any aspect of your life, not just your overall life difficulty, but changing That would be very important too since that one would seem to precede anything else you might try to do (trying to make your life easier by doing certain things, for example, would be pre-empted by the difficulty you choose to bring into your life - both cannot exist at the same time, so one of them will trump the other)
A problem I recently realized I had, that could have been holding me back from many of the important things I am creating is that my Life could have been set on a kind of high "Difficulty" level.
Since I like playing games alot that is a good analogy, like the difficulty settings on a game, our Lives too are also set to have a certain amount of difficulty. Supposedly... the idea is that by things
being difficult, the lessons we learn will be engrained within us and we will learn them successfully as a soul.
God still takes care of us, but depending on how we're playing this "game" of life determines how many obstacles we'll have to face, and how quickly we will get the things we want and need in life - as we ask for them... or at the last possible second.
The problem is, in the New Energies life isnt supposed to be hard, its supposed to be easy. Truth is easy. Life Lessons are supposed to be learned through love, acceptance, and peace. Manifesting itself comes through Allowing rather than Forcing.
And in alot of ways living a "Hard" life is not only something that should be obsolete by now, its
also counterproductive to the things we want to do in life and the service we can give to everyone else and the world.
Since I like playing games alot that is a good analogy, like the difficulty settings on a game, our Lives too are also set to have a certain amount of difficulty. Supposedly... the idea is that by things
being difficult, the lessons we learn will be engrained within us and we will learn them successfully as a soul.
God still takes care of us, but depending on how we're playing this "game" of life determines how many obstacles we'll have to face, and how quickly we will get the things we want and need in life - as we ask for them... or at the last possible second.
The problem is, in the New Energies life isnt supposed to be hard, its supposed to be easy. Truth is easy. Life Lessons are supposed to be learned through love, acceptance, and peace. Manifesting itself comes through Allowing rather than Forcing.
And in alot of ways living a "Hard" life is not only something that should be obsolete by now, its
also counterproductive to the things we want to do in life and the service we can give to everyone else and the world.
This idea has worked for a few other people ive shared it with, so im posting it here for your viewing pleasure.
Figure out where the "Difficulty" is set for your life, if you're having problems right now and your most important dreams are still lagging behind even though "smaller" things might be manifesting left and right.
Figure out where the "Difficulty" is set for your life, if you're having problems right now and your most important dreams are still lagging behind even though "smaller" things might be manifesting left and right.
Your biggest desires are no different than the colorful butterfly that flies past, which you were thinking about only minutes before. Manifesting is Easy and the universe doesn't see a difference between a penny on the street and a wad of $50's. The only difference is how it gets to you, and its just as easy either way.
A mental exercise introduced by a friend (Tolemac) is a good place to start - set the intention that you're tracking down how Hard your life is, on a scale of 1 to 100. Close your eyes, and start counting from 1 in your mind - visualize the numbers if you want - to 2, 3, 4, and so on. When you start facing resistance to count higher, you have probably arrived at the difficulty setting for your life.
It will almost always be somewhere inbetween, since a 95-100 would be the most difficult and impossibly challenging life we could conjure for ourselves, and a 1-5 would be the easiest, peaceful and least challenging life we could have.
Remember its not necessarily the problems you have, but how well you are able to handle them, and what context your life takes on (what is important to you) that determines how hard it is. For example the Military might seem like a very hard job and challenging lifestyle, but some people live for it. And some people in the most richest and affluent lifestyles are sometimes quite miserable. Some people have everything in order... except the things they care about the most, like a child, or a lover.
Then, once you figure out where you are on that scale... choose a new number, a better number, one that will serve you for the dreams, desires, and the life you really want to live.
That doesn't mean we should just foolishly set it all the way down to 1... life might get too simple or sweet for you to be interesting. Or it might not work Because its such a big contrast.
But say... something in the 10's, 20's, or maybe the 30's so that way everything gets easy enough to handle yet balanced enough that it still seems believable. So that way Life isn't without its smaller challenges, you Get what you Want, and you face no serious or insurmountable problems. In other words its still has its episodes, but you really do feel like you're in complete control, and the power is in Your hands.
Its the Goldilocks syndrome... not too much... but not too little... just right.
Making changes like this will set in motion a whole slew of other changes, and some obstacles you thought were impossible to remove before will suddenly start dissolving (even diseases and physical conditions probably). Because if your life is Easier... then obviously the things that make it Hard can't stick around. It even works retroactively, and things you thought were impossible to overcome or recover from might just disappear.
It might not happen overnight, but over the course of a few weeks you will see changes and notice a shift.
If you're having trouble changing that number, imagine you have a knob or dial and you're turning it down, and there's a way to pin it down where you set it. And if its hard to turn in your mind... imagine having something to help you like a wrench, to make it easier to turn.
A mental exercise introduced by a friend (Tolemac) is a good place to start - set the intention that you're tracking down how Hard your life is, on a scale of 1 to 100. Close your eyes, and start counting from 1 in your mind - visualize the numbers if you want - to 2, 3, 4, and so on. When you start facing resistance to count higher, you have probably arrived at the difficulty setting for your life.
It will almost always be somewhere inbetween, since a 95-100 would be the most difficult and impossibly challenging life we could conjure for ourselves, and a 1-5 would be the easiest, peaceful and least challenging life we could have.
Remember its not necessarily the problems you have, but how well you are able to handle them, and what context your life takes on (what is important to you) that determines how hard it is. For example the Military might seem like a very hard job and challenging lifestyle, but some people live for it. And some people in the most richest and affluent lifestyles are sometimes quite miserable. Some people have everything in order... except the things they care about the most, like a child, or a lover.
Then, once you figure out where you are on that scale... choose a new number, a better number, one that will serve you for the dreams, desires, and the life you really want to live.
That doesn't mean we should just foolishly set it all the way down to 1... life might get too simple or sweet for you to be interesting. Or it might not work Because its such a big contrast.
But say... something in the 10's, 20's, or maybe the 30's so that way everything gets easy enough to handle yet balanced enough that it still seems believable. So that way Life isn't without its smaller challenges, you Get what you Want, and you face no serious or insurmountable problems. In other words its still has its episodes, but you really do feel like you're in complete control, and the power is in Your hands.
Its the Goldilocks syndrome... not too much... but not too little... just right.
Making changes like this will set in motion a whole slew of other changes, and some obstacles you thought were impossible to remove before will suddenly start dissolving (even diseases and physical conditions probably). Because if your life is Easier... then obviously the things that make it Hard can't stick around. It even works retroactively, and things you thought were impossible to overcome or recover from might just disappear.
It might not happen overnight, but over the course of a few weeks you will see changes and notice a shift.
If you're having trouble changing that number, imagine you have a knob or dial and you're turning it down, and there's a way to pin it down where you set it. And if its hard to turn in your mind... imagine having something to help you like a wrench, to make it easier to turn.
Here are some good images to work with in your mind for a Knob or Dial or Adjustor so you can visualize yourself turning it down.

And for some High Amperage... these might be good for Increasing the flow of some things into your life.

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