Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ultimate Manifesting Power

This is from a post I made on Powerful Intentions. This is really the foundation for how LOA really works.

It requires a shift in cosmology view though, away from one of seeing us all as individual units connected to each other.


Understand that we are all actually creators of our own reality. And when you really get down to it, there is only Us individually and God.

There is no such thing as Time, the entirety of the universe is like a
collection of frames for a video or movie. What we perceive as time and
motion are actually our Soul Consciousness flipping through those frames
at a certain perceived speed.

(the metaphor of using video frames is slightly inaccurate though, since
there are an infinite number of them, and an infinite number of
possibilities and combinations. So in some ways its like a search
engine, adding certain display topics or options to produce a final
result. But you probably get the picture by now)

The future, present, and past are not set. Instead our entire lives...
our entire existence is like the path that an ant or mole has carved
through a giant block of soil. By Choosing to go a certain direction,
the path turned that way.

The direction of that path was and always will be completely under your
control, though most of us have been taught to go in a pretty straight
direction, dictated by the logic of the physical laws we perceive as
they presently exist.

That means no matter where you have gone, or where things are going,
right now in this very instant you could take a sharp 90 degree turn
right in the direction of having what you want. You could go very far
off the beaten track. Or you could even jump the track so to speak and
shift directly to being in a different place in that sea of
possibilities - your entire world would change instantly, though you
would remember the way things "used to be".

Along these lines remember, you can't change anyone else, but you can
change yourself. And by changing yourself (your position in the
cosmology) you can change everything else, by having voted with your
feet so to speak.

Your level of Belief determines how much, and what, you will allow
yourself to do in this context.

The amount of Focus and feeling of Certainty you have about the final
result will determine how "quickly" you get to that destination. Its not
about sending out energy at all, its about plotting a course and
sticking to it without wandering away.

In this way Law Of Attraction and Time Travel are essentially one in the
same, and each one of us is like a Dr. Who.

1 comment:

  1. Very insightful. It is all about changing ourselves isn't it?
